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March 22, 2018

Thompson Statement on Omnibus

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the FY2018 Omnibus Appropriations Act:

“The omnibus, while not perfect, represents a bipartisan rejection of President Trump’s appalling budget.”

“With the inclusion of election security funds, Congress is finally starting to recognize that protecting our elections must be a national security priority.  Now, states will be able to use the election security technology grants to replace outdated voting machines and ensure paper ballots are used.  The use of paper ballots is a bipartisan priority and is the prime recommendation of House Democrats’ Election Security Task Force.  The election security funds in the omnibus are, however, just a down payment towards securing our elections. Continued investment will be necessary to keep up with technology and ever-changing threats. Securing our elections is not cheap, but the integrity of our democracy is at stake. If we fail to recognize this, Russia will continue to interfere in our election for years to come.”

“The omnibus also includes homeland security grant funding specifically for non-profits like religious institutions to make their facilities more safe and secure. These organizations have faced a recent uptick in threats, harassment, and, violence.  Most importantly, non-profits will not have to be in large cities to apply for this funding.  We owe it to our constituents to do all we can to protect these organizations that allow Americans to safely congregate, worship, or engage in other community activities.”

“Additionally, it is a travesty that Congress has still not passed protections for DREAMers.  President Trump can tweet what he pleases, but my fellow Democrats and I want nothing more than to help these contributing members of our society and ensure they know they belong here.  Republicans on the other hand continue to do nothing.”

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